The following tips can help people who have frequent and strong cravings for sweet-tasting foods.

Sugar addiction
Understand that sugar sometimes is addictive, although certainly not all experts are in agreement on this point. What we do know is that when you eat sugar, your brain releases neurotransmitters, known as opioids, which activate the brain’s pleasure receptors. Drugs such as morphine have the same physiological effect.

Sugar intake
For a few days, write down and add up your sugar intake. This number may shock you. It is recommended that you not consume more than 15−25 grams/1000 calories consumed. Once you see which of your favorite foods contain the most sugar, you can determine which are the easiest to get rid of and which you would like to try to keep in small portions.

Eat regularly, every 4 hours, to avoid the strong cravings for sugar that result from hypoglycemia, which is brought on by meals that are spaced too far apart.

High-fiber grains
Replace refined grains with higher-fiber grains. The fiber will slow the glucose response to the carbohydrate and will help to increase your sense of fullness.

Know that sugar is sugar by any name. Fructose, maltose, sucrose, dextrose, cane sugar, turbinado, organic sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, corn syrup, and honey are all sugars.

Try to determine if your cravings for sugar increase at specific times. Many people crave sugar more when they are physically tired. Other people have strong cravings following meals. Try finishing your meal with a piece of fruit and always keep healthful snacks on hand.

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