1. Results take time, and it's OK! A majority of people feel frustrated when weight loss isn't happening swiftly. Though for some people it can happen quicker than others, it's important to consider this question: How long did it take to put the weight on? Reflect on this question and realize that (even though losing weight may not take the longest time) it may take that same time to create the lifestyle changes to be able to sustain the weight loss.

2. What worked for your friend may not work for you. It’s important to acknowledge that weight loss and nutrition are extremely individual and even though it's okay to follow a standard diet/meal plan, it’s important to follow recommendations from your medical and nutrition professionals so that your individual needs are met and your progress is followed. 

3. Crazy work outs aren't required! The most popular belief is that we should exercise hard to burn off our poor food choices. The truth is hard and intense workouts are the perfect recipe for injury and burnout (especially when you are a beginner). This is the reason many people hesitate to go to the gym, chances are they have attempted to exercise to boost weight loss and got extremely tired, fatigued, injured and hungry. Exercise has to be initiated at your own level, then build up on that level minutes at a time. Not everyone has the same fitness level, and if you are exercising exclusively to lose weight you will likely suffer and quit soon. If activity and fitness are viewed and experienced as something fun an enjoyable, there is no limit on how far you can sustain it!

4. Surround yourself with people who support you. "Don't go it alone" is the most popular motto for a weight loss journey, and for a good reason: being around people who encourage and reinforce you can make a a huge difference when it comes to compliance. If you can, find a workout buddy who can help keep you accountable. Have fun with the fitness game using a system of checks and balances with rewards and penalties. By motivating each other, you’re also motivating yourselves.

5. Plan how you'll end your weight loss journey. This is probably the most forgotten piece on weight loss plan: maintenance. The reason why many diets fail is because they don't offer a good maintenance plan that answers this question: what happens after weight loss? Finding a calorie intake that allows you to keep your weight stable is just as much a part of the weight-loss process as shedding pounds. Another important reason to consult with a credentialed nutrition professional that can estimate those calorie needs and provide an effective long term a sustainable meal plan.

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